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SMMC 3.0 Presentation for Behavior Analysis Providers

The FABA Public Policy Committee (PPC) received numerous emails from members and non-members expressing frustration over the need for additional communication regarding the upcoming transition to Managed Care. In response, the PPC urged AHCA to provide more detailed information, including guidance on billing and renewal authorizations during the CoC. Emphasizing the importance of continued communication, the PPC advocated for one final online event to share vital information with providers.

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Notice Regarding Letter from Sunshine Health

FABA has been made aware of a recent letter from Sunshine Health to its contracted ABA providers. FABA is aware that the letter references a 20% cut in reimbursement rates. While FABA cannot advise providers how to respond to the letter, any reduction in reimbursement will have negative implications for providers and their clients. 

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FABA Seeks Input: APD LRC Process & Medicaid ABA Transitions for Late Teens

FABA requests action from 1) APD providers and 2) AHCA Medicaid providers serving youth in their late teens:
  1. APD Providers: The FABA Public Policy Committee has been hearing concerns about APD's Local Review Committee (LRC) process for years. We are currently conducting a survey on the LRC process. Please take this opportunity to share your feedback. Your individual comments will be anonymous, but results will be summarized and shared with APD. 
      Click the link at the top of this page:
  1. AHCA Medicaid providers serving youth in their late teens: FABA is looking for members with concerns about the process for transitioning ABA services for clients on the Medicaid State plan to the iBudget or CDC system. If you have concerns or recommendations in this area, please email the FABA Public Policy Committee at [email protected]

Ethical Issues Surrounding the Role of Independent Contractors in ABA

The misclassification of employees as independent contractors may deny workers minimum wage, overtime pay, and other protections. The US Department of Labor (DOL) published a final rule on January 10, 2024, related to the classification of employee versus independent contractor. The rule takes effect on March 11, 2024. Join us for a FABA member-only event to discuss the new changes including the analysis for determining employee and independent contractor status, what it means for BCBAs and RBTs who are currently acting as independent contractors, and what it means for ABA Providers who are employers of BCBAs and RBTs.

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Home & School Collaboration: A Discussion on Processes, Problems and Possible Solutions for Successful Integration of Behavior Services

Join us on September 22, 2023 at 9:30 AM EST for a presentation by the FABA Education Workgroup of the Public Policy Committee.

Participants will gain an orientation to and receive an overview of House Bill 255 with the allowance of PIPs (private instructional personnel) in the school setting.  We will discuss how to effectively collaborate with outside organizations including clarification of medical necessity.  In addition, we will hear from participants on current barriers and hear from others on successful practices to access the school environment.  We will provide some tips and tricks for effective entry and communication.  We will also share helpful resources.

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Update on AHCA's Invitation to Negotiate (ITN) for Managed Care

Thank you to everyone who has reached out regarding AHCA's Invitation to Negotiate (ITN) for Managed Care. You may find the entire document on the My Florida Marketplace Website ( The ITN is long (956 pages) plus 4 addendums. On pages 757, 758, and 788 the ITN references Behavior Analysis Services and specifically that the Managed Care Plan's transition of care includes coordination and transition of behavior analysis services from fee-for-service to managed care delivery.

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FABA Announces End to Litigation with the Agency for Health Care Administration (AHCA)

FABA announces an end to its litigation with the Agency for Health Care Administration (AHCA) regarding the proposed revisions to the Medicaid Behavior Analysis Services Coverage Policy. 

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RBTs in Schools

RBT HB 795 PASSED! Effective July 1, 2023, schools are now open to more RBTs providing services as Private Instructional Personnel (by removing the requirement of employment by a Medicaid Provider.) This was made possible due to the support of Rep. Tant and Sen. Hooper; and the advocacy efforts of parents and providers who contacted state leaders and the Governor via our VoterVoice online campaign. Thanks to all who helped this law become effective! FABA plans more work with the Dept of Education to improve RBT access.


Got Concerns About AHCA?

... and their Behavior Analysis Services Policy, Provider Reimbursement Fee Schedules, or Billing Codes? First, be sure to report your concerns directly to AHCA click here. Your report becomes an important public record. The FABA Public Policy Committee (PPC) is also very concerned and has long been advocating for change. FABA filed a legal petition and is awaiting the legal hearing. The PPC has also been active in AHCA workshops, hearings, and virtual meetings. Click here for more information. Click here to send an email to FABA's PPC about persistent and problematic concerns with AHCA.