Here are some things to keep in mind when presenting at FABA:

Audio/Visual Equipment

The session room will be set theater style with a lectern at the front of the room and a projector. We will also provide a six-foot draped head table and 2 chairs. If you are showing slides, we request that you bring your own laptop with your slides pre-loaded. Those using Mac computers will need to provide their own cable adapters. There will be a table in the back for any handouts, brochures, etc. A limited amount of additional A/V equipment can be provided. Please note which equipment, if any, you require. Additional requests will be considered based on budgetary impact. If your presentation requires audio, please note this on your submission.


Please submit a high-resolution color digital headshot, at least 300 dpi, in JPG format. We cannot use PDFs or images pulled from a website for print purposes. Although they may appear fine on screen, the resolution is not high enough and will appear grainy in print. Please note that all headshots must be a photograph of the presenter, no illustrations or clip art will be accepted. If you are an author, also submit book jacket image(s).

Speaker Handouts (optional)

You may provide handouts to conference attendees if desired. These can include written copies or summaries of your presentation, as well as supplementary resource materials. We regret that we will not be able to cover any costs associated with duplication, shipping to or from the conference center, or handling of handouts or other speaker materials.

Promote your Participation

We encourage speakers to promote their participation via their social media accounts, websites, event calendars, and newsletters.

In addition to Twitter, we invite you to join our groups on LinkedIn and Facebook to engage our audience before and after the conference. This is a great opportunity to share relevant content from your blog, link to your news articles and media appearances, ask thought-provoking questions, surface ideas to explore in your presentation or solicit questions to ask your speakers if you are a moderator. We also welcome guest bloggers (post about your session or re-blog your existing content). You may use the conference graphics to promote your participation, but refrain from using the official FABA logo or copyrighted word art as it appears at the top of this page and in office FABA communications.