In August 2023, an online survey was conducted with Juvenile Justice facility and program personnel in Florida. The respondents included Administrators (71%), Medical or health care professionals (14%), Managers (7%) and Supervisors (7%).

On a scale from 1 to 10, 90% of the respondents reported that support from Behavior Analysts and/or RBTs is essential (10 maximum rating) in their facility/program.

92% of the respondents reported that ABA services provide important strategies for daily staff-to-youth interactions that align with and support therapies provided by mental health professionals in their facility/program.

92% of the respondents reported that staff and/or supervisors want support from Behavior Analysts or RBTs.

58% of the respondents reported their youth request support from Behavior Analysts or RBTs.

92% of the respondents reported they have used Behavior Analysts in staff training programs.

67% of the respondents reported their facility would benefit from additional ABA services.

Excerpts from open-ended responses include:

  • With some of our youth, ABA is the most important part of the treatment team. ABA has repeatedly turned around self-harm in many of our most disturbed / difficult youth. It has helped reduce aggressive behavior and the ABA therapists think outside the box to motivate youth and prompt engagement / pro-social behavior.
  • ABA services play an important role in our program. This is from training our staff to have a better understanding of youth's behavior and why the behaviors are displayed.
  • …strategies dealing with this population more impactful than traditional services
  • My experience has been great with ABA services and they are really helpful.
  • Working with the behavior analysts in the program has opened up our eyes to different ways of dealing with and addressing certain behaviors. Their role is essential to the residential setting.
  • They are very informative, involved with their assessments and observations of youth and staff.
They have been very instrumental in the progress of youth who have struggled significantly at the facility. We continue to see tremendous improvement with youth after they begin to receive services from the ABA team.